What Are the Benefits of Rosehip Oil?


Rosehip oil is made by pressing the seeds and the fruit of the dog-rose, a wild rose species native to Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It's a nice emollient, moisturising plant oil loaded with skin-nourishing fatty acids (linoleic acid - 51%, linolenic acid - 19%, and oleic acid - 20%).

Did you know?
When Great Britain was unable to import citrus fruits during World War II, the government encouraged people to collect rosehips. The rosehips were made into a syrup that was then distributed to people as a source of vitamin C and other nutrients.

It is super fast absorbed by the skin and it is considered a dry oil that sinks into the skin instantly, leaving it feeling dry to the touch. Rosehip oil in skincare is non-comedogenic which means it won’t clog pores which is super important for acne-prone skin

Look for the term ‘cold-pressed’ on the label. Rosehips are sensitive to heat, and the potential benefits may be reduced if the rosehip oil you choose has been prepared using heat.

Some rosehip oil benefits may include
* Improved moisture and hydration
* Soothing effect
* Refreshing and plumping skin
* Heal and even skin tone
* Phenomenal moisturiser for your scalp
* Great for hair, and an excellent natural anti-frizz treatment
* Protects skin from free radical damage

For Dry skin – the fatty acids in rosehip oil not only add moisture to your skin, but they also help lock in that moisture, so your skin retains it longer.

Rosehip oil can be applied straight onto the skin twice a day, morning and evening. Although it's formulated into many skincare products, rosehip oil can most often be found in its pure form, to be applied directly onto the skin. Keep the oil in a dark, amber-colored bottle to protect it from UV rays, which can diminish the potency of the product if exposed, and stored in a cool, dark place.

Try some of our Formulations from the Beauty Secrets App with Rosehip oil and share your final product with us on social media!

-> Nourishing Face Oil Serum
-> Soft Hands Oil
-> Healthy Nails & Cuticles Oil
-> Oatmeal face scrub for acne-prone, oily skin